When anyone asks me about the Thermage Procedures and asks does the treatment really work? I tell them absolutely yes they do. This protocol is FDA Approved and has become more and more popular every day throughout the United States. Many patients see noticeable reductions in deep wrinkles and healthier skin texture after using the first treatment.

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Since the Thermage Procedures are becoming so popular, people are asking me all the time various questions regarding the different procedures involving everything from the time it takes for a treatment to how it works in general. The following are typical of the questions I receive on The Thermage Procedures:

What are the various Thermage procedures?

The Thermage procedure employs a patented radiofrequency (RF) technology called Thermacool. It has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial contours. The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin types. The Thermacool device has been cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of facial wrinkles and lines.

What does the Thermage procedure feel like?
With each touch of the thermatip device, you will experience a brief, deep heating sensation as the RF energy is delivered to your skin and underlying tissue.

What will my skin feel like after the procedure?
Immediately following a Thermage procedure, your skin should feel tighter, smoother and more youthful. Overtime, you will notice additional tightening.

When will I see results?
Recently published studies conducted by Thermage show that measurable tightening improvements appear gradually over 2 to 6 months after a single treatment session. However, many patients have reported seeing an earlier response.

How long before I can return to my normal activities?
Most people return to their regular activities immediately following the Thermage procedure.
Can Thermage be used on other areas of the body?
Thermage is gaining increased public awareness in the treatments’s ability to tighten loose body skin – especially loose skin on the tummy area. Used post-pregnancy or pre-liposuction, Thermage has proven to tighten that area that no amount of exercise will touch. an effective treatment for tightening loose areas on the body

Benefits and Advantages?
Most importantly, there is no recovery or patient downtime. Patients may return back to work directly after the procedure.

Thermage Procedures are performed by certified physicians only, and the one closest to you can be found in your local yellow pages.

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While at my gym doing my daily, and almost un-noticeable daily-after-work workout routine, I could not help but notice how hard some of the guys worked at the equipment, with little positive results shown. I’ve belonged to this gym now for about 10 months and have made some friends and know where some of us started and have watched the progress on some and total lack of any positive results on others over this period. I cant help but think that many of these guys would be good patients for trying the ‘Thermage Stomach’ Procedure’ that is so popular now. ba_30_beforeba_30_after

The ‘Thermage Stomach Procedure’ is especially designed for those who are not real over-weight, but maybe just carrying some extra flab around the middle, or on the legs and arms. What’s really great is that there is little down time and your right back doing what you please fast and you will see the
positive results right away.

Before After
After the procedure, some patients report a noticeable smaller waist, looser fitting clothing and skin that feels firmer and tighter with improved tone.
You will notice smoother skin texture also. Many patients see noticeable reductions in deep wrinkles and healthier skin texture. After treatment, some patients that had been suffering from stretch-marks, say their stretch marks are less noticeable and much smoother. In general, patients with mild to moderate skin sagging experience some contouring and lifting almost immediately. Immediate results are visible and usually continue to improve for up to six months. The ‘Thermage Procedure’ is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from everyday activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin colors. I’ve told several of my gym buddies about this great FDA approved procedure and many are trying it and liking the results. These procedures can only be performed by a certified physician in his office. Its safe, fast and you can see speedy results. And, there is no knives or surgery involved. What more can you ask for?

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It seems like we all keep looking for something better in the way of products and services no matter how good the products and services are that we have become accustomed to using. After much shopping around, we find that what we are looking for has been right in front of our eyes all along. Skin care products is an example of what I am speaking of. More and more people have been discovering the amazing value of the Ultraceuticals line of skincare products and professional treatments that are made in Australia. All of the Ultraceuticals products combine science and new technologies with effective ingredient levels to create a diversity of consumer products that really do deliver positive visible results.

Ultraceuticals Protective Daily Moinsturizer SPF 30

Their premium skin supplements (oral), topical skincare and professional skin treatments all focus on providing solutions for pigmentation, ageing and problem skin, whether it’s a complete, balanced spectrum of antioxidants and vitamins to protect our bodies from free radical damage, or science-based skincare products and professional treatments that optimise results. The homecare kits and supplementary products enable consumers to develop an easy to follow, daily skincare routine, for clearer and younger looking skin.
The company boasts of its several creams and serums that are specifically advertised to generate smoother skin, diminish the appearance of wrinkles
and help skin to return to its youthful glow and health.
Ultraceuticals assures consumers that only the highest quality ingredients are used in their products.
One of the most positive aspects of this line of products and their company is that there is no animal testing with these products as all testing is research and lab based, and where testing is required, the company uses human volunteers.

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Known as “The Beauty Doctor” to the stars, Dr. Lisa Zdinak, a trained molecular geneticist and cosmetic surgeon, maintains a clientele that includes fashion models, celebrities, and even royalty. It was at the request of many of her clients that Dr. Zdinak formulated the Genetiskin Program. Dr. Zdinak isolated the essential ingredients needed to boost the production of collagen and elastin in the skin and to preserve overall skin health. THESE ARE THE BEST VITAMINS FOR THE SKIN. The Genetiskin line-up is comprised of a range of nutraceutical supplements vital to the production of youthful, healthy collagen and elastin, as well as critical anti-oxidants that work synergistically with each other to preserve the collagen and elastin in our skin from the ravages of environmental (both internal and external) stresses. Genetiskin is not a multivitamin. It is a highly-targeted regimen for the skin designed to produce new collagen, preserve existing collagen, and protect the skin from free-radical attack. Now, she is pleased to offer it to the world. Her offices are in Manhattan, New York City.

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Hi everyone,
Now that we are survived this arctic blast, well we kind of have, it is 34 today! Lets talk about combating Dry, Winter Skin.face1

The basics.

Eat a balanced diet, Plus vitamins that are good for the skin such as our Genetiskin line.
Use a good moisturizer day and night, we recommended Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream
Get enough sleep
Stay hydrated
Avoid UV-We suggest Lumixyl Moisture Lock Sunscreen SPF30
Do not smoke

Now on to our winter care:
1.)Take tepid showers. As good as it feels, a hot, steamy shower will make your dry skin worse.
2.) Sunscreen saver: Use sun screen all year long. We suggest Lumixyl Moisture Lock Sunscreen SPF30
3.) Switch to milder cleansers and richer moisturizers; such as
Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream, The cold weather along with inside heating dry out your skin more quickly, so help it out with a creamier lotion.
4.) Exfoliate less
5.) One way to create a smooth canvas to apply your face makeup is to use a face primer.

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All through most are annoyances and can make us very self conscience, sometimes when they are in the right location, they are an asset. Take a look at Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford and Elizabeth Taylor. threeIn fact in history we see that many notable people painted the mark on their face. (Both men and woman) More recently this was done in the mid part of the twentieth century by many women emulating the “stars” of the day.

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A fairly new solution to an age old problem is now available through Thermage.
Up to recently the only solution for under eye bags has been through surgery or a face lift procedure. In the last few years, Thermage treatments have become more and more popular for treating this condition. Under eye bags is a problem that many of us have, but surgery, or a face lift, is not what we want to solve the problem.

The new and popular Thermage technology tightens and contours the skin to create a smoother tone and more youthful appearance, and the positive results can be seen almost immediately and improvements to the skin’s texture and appearance will continue as new collagen grows, often for up to several months. This Thermage Procedure is short, depending on how severe the problem is, and a session will usually take about 20 minutes to 2 hours.

The Thermage Procedures are FDA approved and are only performed in the offices of certified physicians. To find the nearest certified physician, go online or look in the local Yellow Pages and get started to not only looking better, but feeling better and regaining that old self confidence you once had.

The treatment is not painful, and it is a one-time procedure performed after a small amount of numbing cream has been applied to the skin. Since my specialty is oculoplastic surgery, I perform this procedure in my office at least twice a day with optimal results that last approximately eight months to one year.

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It is winter and we bundle up in our coats, sweaters and heaver pants. But we forget to use of sp 30 lotion. BIG MISTAKE. Regardless of the temperature or time of year, the sun emits ultraviolet (UV) rays, a type of invisible radiation that can harm our skin and lead to premature aging or skin cancer. So we need to always wear a sunscreen and it should be reapplied at least every two hours, and sooner if sweating or swimming.

A 35-year-old melanoma survivor agrees to share photos that Dellavalle’s team took comparing her skin under normal light and ultraviolet light. (Credit: University of Colorado Cancer Center)
A 35-year-old melanoma survivor agrees to share photos that Dellavalle’s team took comparing her skin under normal light and ultraviolet light.
(Credit: University of Colorado Cancer Center)

It doesn’t matter if it is cloudy or sunny sunscreen should be worn any time the skin is exposed to the sun. And wear a good quality of sunscreen such as Lumixyl, available at Precision Aesthetics New York.

Call 212 799 1411
Anytime including nights and weekends.

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