All through most are annoyances and can make us very self conscience, sometimes when they are in the right location, they are an asset. Take a look at Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford and Elizabeth Taylor. threeIn fact in history we see that many notable people painted the mark on their face. (Both men and woman) More recently this was done in the mid part of the twentieth century by many women emulating the “stars” of the day.

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Without the natural scarring process, a simple little wound could result in a significant loss of blood or even death depending on the size of the wound. The purpose of scarring and scars is to help close and protect wounds from additional damage. When you have a wound, your body quickly forms scar tissue to replace the damaged skin so that the wound will close and heal. After a period of time, the scar will heal and become less noticeable and may reduce in size. Since scar tissue is not identical to regular skin, the scar will be noticeable which is why so many people with scars search for a safe and effective treatment. The Ellman Surgitron 4.0 radiosurgical device is about the most advanced radiosurgical technology and is approved for operating room surgical procedures. Radiosurgery is more delicate and precise than laser surgery which can cause excessive tissue burns. Scarring is minimized or eliminated with radiosurgery because the skin is vaporized instead of cut. Dr. Zdinak uses a radiosurgical loop to shave the mole down layer by layer to the level of the surrounding skin. No suture is required. Your procedure can be performed at the time of your consultation visit. Dr. Zdinak, at Precision Aesthetics, has achieved superior results on a variety of skin tones using this advanced technology

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You can now remove those small and unsightly purple and red spider veins and cherry red spots that appear on your face or other parts of your body, quickly, painlessly and immediately in the comfort of your doctor’s office.

Radiosurgery is the new and preferred method to eliminate these tiny blood vessels. Radiosurgery makes very fine, precise, gentle punctures in the skin via a thin-microinsulated wire that delivers radiowaves to seal off the blood vessel.

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For scarless mole removal we use the Ellman Surgitron 4.0 radiosurgical device, the most advanced radiosurgical technology and the only radiosurgical device approved for operating room surgical procedures.

While some scars are a natural and essential part of the healing process in that they help protect wounds from additional physical damage, they are not necessary and often remain somewhat unsightly once a wound is healed and closed. Some types of scars will become less noticeable over time, however, they do not heal completely unless treated professionally.

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