There is new hope for those with hyperpigmentation skin problems and the Lumixyl Skin Brightening procedures are a new and revolutionary peptide technology recently developed by researchers at Stanford University, for the improvement for the appearance of hyperpigmentation, including: age spots, sun spots, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, and photodamage. In the past and for years, the only bleaching agent available for skin dark spots was hydroquinone, either over-the-counter or prescription strength, and not everybody could use hydroquinones, and in some people, hydroquinone actually made their dark spots worse. Lumixyl works by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for the production of melanin in the skin, is powerful but very gentle on the skin.

The treatment begins by jump starting the skin brightening process with a series of SilkPeel Diamond Microdermabrasion treatments using physician grade Lumixyl solution followed by at home maintenance with Lumixyl skin-brightening lotion at bedtime.
Preliminary clinical results are being evaluated in large clinical trials and so far they demonstrate that topical use of Lumixyl visibly improves mild to moderate hyperpigmentation with excellent volunteer satisfaction in as little as 8 weeks with a 50% improvement after 16 weeks.

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Today, the rules on beauty are very different than they were in the past. You don’t have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars and go under the knife just to look beautiful. You don’t have to suffer for weeks or months recovering from surgery in the name of beauty.

Looking like you were 50 at the age of 20, was a surefire indicator of needed plastic surgery, and the only way to achieve long-lasting relief from wrinkles and sagging skin was to have a facelift. Thanks to the development of non-surgical procedures like Thermage, everyone can look like their beauty comes natural and no one has to live with the early signs of aging. Thermage brings beautiful skin without surgery for everyday people who are willing to work at their appearance just a little. It is more affordable and less invasive than surgical facial procedures, so it is perfect for everyday people who don’t have the time, money or motivations of a super star under the spotlight. Many of the new skin care methods and procedures are the results of Dr. Lisa Zdinak’s hard work and planning. The famous and popular Thermage Procedures are available at Dr. Zdinak’ Upper Manhattan offices in New York City.

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Hi everyone,
Now that we are survived this arctic blast, well we kind of have, it is 34 today! Lets talk about combating Dry, Winter Skin.face1

The basics.

Eat a balanced diet, Plus vitamins that are good for the skin such as our Genetiskin line.
Use a good moisturizer day and night, we recommended Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream
Get enough sleep
Stay hydrated
Avoid UV-We suggest Lumixyl Moisture Lock Sunscreen SPF30
Do not smoke

Now on to our winter care:
1.)Take tepid showers. As good as it feels, a hot, steamy shower will make your dry skin worse.
2.) Sunscreen saver: Use sun screen all year long. We suggest Lumixyl Moisture Lock Sunscreen SPF30
3.) Switch to milder cleansers and richer moisturizers; such as
Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream, The cold weather along with inside heating dry out your skin more quickly, so help it out with a creamier lotion.
4.) Exfoliate less
5.) One way to create a smooth canvas to apply your face makeup is to use a face primer.

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It is winter and we bundle up in our coats, sweaters and heaver pants. But we forget to use of sp 30 lotion. BIG MISTAKE. Regardless of the temperature or time of year, the sun emits ultraviolet (UV) rays, a type of invisible radiation that can harm our skin and lead to premature aging or skin cancer. So we need to always wear a sunscreen and it should be reapplied at least every two hours, and sooner if sweating or swimming.

A 35-year-old melanoma survivor agrees to share photos that Dellavalle’s team took comparing her skin under normal light and ultraviolet light. (Credit: University of Colorado Cancer Center)
A 35-year-old melanoma survivor agrees to share photos that Dellavalle’s team took comparing her skin under normal light and ultraviolet light.
(Credit: University of Colorado Cancer Center)

It doesn’t matter if it is cloudy or sunny sunscreen should be worn any time the skin is exposed to the sun. And wear a good quality of sunscreen such as Lumixyl, available at Precision Aesthetics New York.

Call 212 799 1411
Anytime including nights and weekends.

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Pixel laser resurfacing is superior to CO2 laser because it has a much shorter recovering time. This is because it treats small sections of skin which leaves the surrounding tissue intact. This untouched skin acts as a source of healthy skin cells, helping the touched area to rejuvenate quickly.

pixelPixel skin can be used on the delicate skin of the face, neck, chest, and also the hands. The procedure is painless, and no anesthetic or skin dyes are necessary.

For further information click here

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Without the natural scarring process, a simple little wound could result in a significant loss of blood or even death depending on the size of the wound. The purpose of scarring and scars is to help close and protect wounds from additional damage. When you have a wound, your body quickly forms scar tissue to replace the damaged skin so that the wound will close and heal. After a period of time, the scar will heal and become less noticeable and may reduce in size. Since scar tissue is not identical to regular skin, the scar will be noticeable which is why so many people with scars search for a safe and effective treatment. The Ellman Surgitron 4.0 radiosurgical device is about the most advanced radiosurgical technology and is approved for operating room surgical procedures. Radiosurgery is more delicate and precise than laser surgery which can cause excessive tissue burns. Scarring is minimized or eliminated with radiosurgery because the skin is vaporized instead of cut. Dr. Zdinak uses a radiosurgical loop to shave the mole down layer by layer to the level of the surrounding skin. No suture is required. Your procedure can be performed at the time of your consultation visit. Dr. Zdinak, at Precision Aesthetics, has achieved superior results on a variety of skin tones using this advanced technology

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