Nutrients and our Skin: Genetiskin

gen-drWhen we were younger, our skin was smooth, moist and beautiful. As we age our skin looses its elasticity, and starts to look dried out, wrinkled and aged.

As we age, the appearance and characteristics of the skin change. Visible aging of the skin starts as the natural regenerative process begin to slow. The skin replaces old cells more slowly and there is a slower turnover of the surface skin and slower wound healing. This process continues for the rest of our lives and our skin continues to look thinner and dried out looking.

This is due to fact that we no longer are producing Collagen like we did in our younger years. The same happens to the Elastin and Keratin, both critical for young looking skin. Your dermatologist has a skin repair line called Genetiskin. This is a line of nutrients and anti oxidants that the skin absorbs to start the increase of collagen, elastin and keritin. Talk to your dermatologist about Genetiskin from Australia.

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