Dr Lisa Will be Featured On “The Couch” Friday-Airs 7am to 9am

Hello All of my Precision Aesthetics Family!

Just a quick note to let you know that I will be featured on television next week, so set your DVR’s! Friday, August 10th CBS “The Couch” from 7AM-9AM Dr. Lisa with Katie McGee.

As some of you already know CBS was in the office last week filming a focus piece on “The Vampire Facelift” or what is more accurately called “PRP” or “Platelet Rich Plasma” therapy for anti-aging and facial rejuvenation.

I have been pioneering this procedure for the last two years and it seems that it has caught media fire again [Angelina Jolie recently had it, I gotta love Angie]!

In the segment, Katie visits our office and I show you on live models how the blood fillers are prepared and used as both a skin-saving treatment and a custom made dermal filling agent.  The producer was very interested in all of the unique, international treatments that we offer and I dare say that perhaps a lovely partnership has been formed.

So tune in Friday, August 10th CBS “The Couch” from 7AM-9AM with Dr. Lisa and Katie McGee.


Have a Beautiful Day!

Dr. Lisa

P.S.  stay tuned, we are adding Laser Hair Rejuvenation and one or two new skin-tightening machines in the near future. If you want to be first to know about all the latest tips and techniques new procedures and easily share them with your friends go to  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Precision-Aesthetics/86193831475 or click.

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