What is Thermage and Does it Really Work?

Everyday, thousands of computer users will go online to get information about the Thermage Procedures for erasing fine lines and wrinkles on their bodies. Most inquires ask what Thermage is and does it work?
What is Thermage:
Thermage is gaining in popularity across the nation as the safe alternative to plastic surgery. Thermage is a non-surgical skin tightening procedure that effectively eliminates subtle signs of aging in the face and around the neck, legs, tummy and buttocks and other body areas. It is FDA approved and the treatments are performed only by certified physicians, nationwide. During Thermage treatments, high levels of heat are applied to the different areas of the body using radio frequency energy, and during the heating process, collagen rebuilds itself and over time, tightens the skin and smoothes out lines and wrinkles. Just prior to a Thermage treatment, a topical anesthetic cream is applied to the area of treatment, and this numbs the skin so the patient does not feel any pain during the treatment. Anesthesia is usually not used during Thermage treatments. Most Thermage treatments last about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

The results of the thermage procedure will vary according to the patient’s skin and collagen fiber production. Patients who have healthier skin tend to experience more dramatic results. Over the months following the treatment, the patient’s skin should gradually improve. The gradual improvements are a result of the skin tissues healing with gradual collagen production.

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Today, both men and women are enhancing their appearance with ear jewelry like rings, posts, and other items that have adorned ears since ancient times. Unfortunately, the weight or tauma can pull through delicate tissue leaving a visible and hard to cover tear or notch in the lobe. There are various reasons or causes for this, but fear no more cosmetic rejuvenation and anti aging techniques including total earlobe repair and reconstruction are now perfected.

Thermage uses unique radiofrequency (RF) technology to safely heat the deep layers of your skin, while cooling the surface of your skin to keep it intact during the procedure. This deep heating stimulates your body’s natural skin renewal process, which helps tighten existing collagen and form new collagen. Over time, sagging or wrinkled skin is replaced with smoother, tighter skin; improved tone and texture; and an overall younger looking appearance.

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While at my gym doing my daily, and almost un-noticeable daily-after-work workout routine, I could not help but notice how hard some of the guys worked at the equipment, with little positive results shown. I’ve belonged to this gym now for about 10 months and have made some friends and know where some of us started and have watched the progress on some and total lack of any positive results on others over this period. I cant help but think that many of these guys would be good patients for trying the ‘Thermage Stomach’ Procedure’ that is so popular now. ba_30_beforeba_30_after

The ‘Thermage Stomach Procedure’ is especially designed for those who are not real over-weight, but maybe just carrying some extra flab around the middle, or on the legs and arms. What’s really great is that there is little down time and your right back doing what you please fast and you will see the
positive results right away.

Before After
After the procedure, some patients report a noticeable smaller waist, looser fitting clothing and skin that feels firmer and tighter with improved tone.
You will notice smoother skin texture also. Many patients see noticeable reductions in deep wrinkles and healthier skin texture. After treatment, some patients that had been suffering from stretch-marks, say their stretch marks are less noticeable and much smoother. In general, patients with mild to moderate skin sagging experience some contouring and lifting almost immediately. Immediate results are visible and usually continue to improve for up to six months. The ‘Thermage Procedure’ is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from everyday activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin colors. I’ve told several of my gym buddies about this great FDA approved procedure and many are trying it and liking the results. These procedures can only be performed by a certified physician in his office. Its safe, fast and you can see speedy results. And, there is no knives or surgery involved. What more can you ask for?

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The Thermage Cosmetic Procedures continue to grow in popularity across the country and for many good reasons.

The various Thermage Cosmetic Treatments are successful for tightening the skin and improving skin texture. Thermage has proven to be successful for wrinkles and fine lines on the face and around the eyes, neck, arms, tummy, legs and buttocks and even for tough cellulite problems.

FDA approved and physicians all over the country have been fully trained and certified to perform the fantastic Thermage Procedures in their medical offices. Thermage is a safe and non invasive cosmetic procedure with no downtime that is clinically proven to tighten, contour, and rejuvenate the skin in a single treatment by reshaping your skin’s innermost structures. You will see immediate results and continue to see further results for up to 6 months.

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Since the Thermage Procedures are becoming so popular, people are asking me all the time various questions regarding the different procedures involving everything from the time it takes for a treatment to how it works in general. The following are typical of the questions I receive on The Thermage Procedures:

What are the various Thermage procedures?

The Thermage procedure employs a patented radiofrequency (RF) technology called Thermacool. It has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial contours. The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin types. The Thermacool device has been cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of facial wrinkles and lines.

What does the Thermage procedure feel like?
With each touch of the thermatip device, you will experience a brief, deep heating sensation as the RF energy is delivered to your skin and underlying tissue.

What will my skin feel like after the procedure?
Immediately following a Thermage procedure, your skin should feel tighter, smoother and more youthful. Overtime, you will notice additional tightening.

When will I see results?
Recently published studies conducted by Thermage show that measurable tightening improvements appear gradually over 2 to 6 months after a single treatment session. However, many patients have reported seeing an earlier response.

How long before I can return to my normal activities?
Most people return to their regular activities immediately following the Thermage procedure.
Can Thermage be used on other areas of the body?
Thermage is gaining increased public awareness in the treatments’s ability to tighten loose body skin – especially loose skin on the tummy area. Used post-pregnancy or pre-liposuction, Thermage has proven to tighten that area that no amount of exercise will touch. an effective treatment for tightening loose areas on the body

Benefits and Advantages?
Most importantly, there is no recovery or patient downtime. Patients may return back to work directly after the procedure.

Thermage Procedures are performed by certified physicians only, and the one closest to you can be found in your local yellow pages.

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In recent years, we all have seen more and more men using various beauty methods that were in the past, only used by women. But why not? Men need to look their very best and the popular Thermage Procedures works great on the face, forehead, eyes, jaw line, jowls and area under the chin. Thermage works with all skin types and colors too. We’re not just talking about celebrities! Thermage brings beautiful skin without surgery for everyday people who are willing to work at bettering their appearance and gaining self confidence once again. Thermage is also used for the arms and knees, along with the tummy areas.

Plastic surgery and other extreme measures are not only expensive and require a large amount of down time, but they are often too extreme and not necessary. More and more men are turning to non-invasive therapies like Thermage to rejuvenate their appearance and prevent aging, and they are doing it without having to go into debt forever, and without having to spend much time healing. Thermage is one of the best innovations to come along because it allows men and women to tighten up and rejuvenate their skin and look younger.
Thermage is FDA approved and performed only in a trained and certified physicians office near you.