Thermage has become so popular in the last few years that many of the trained and certified physicians haven’t been able to keep up with the demand. Here are a few hints on what to look for and what questions to ask when you go see a Thermage physician for your first consultation.
Thermage, like any other successful medical procedure is going to cost you money and you want to get the best medical treatment and the most qualified people working on your particular problem. Different providers charge different prices, get different views and get differing end results sometimes too. Ask if the certified physician will be examining you prior to the procedure, and if not, who will be? Will the physician be available during my procedure? Does the doctor perform my procedure? If not, who will be? You want to look at the certificate of training for the one doing the procedure. Will I have to take any medicine prior to my procedure? Many Thermage facilities offer a pain pill or an injection, maybe even some valium.
Ask about the different machines the physician uses for Thermage treatments. Thermage is always improving its technologies and some physicians may be using devices that are out of date. Talk to the physician and get as much detailed information on the Thermage devices used and the tips. Get a list of prices also, because prices can vary based on many things. It might be wise to talk to a couple of physicians and then decide which way to go.