Vanquish Zaps Fat- No Pain

English: A 40-year old woman undergoing a comb...
English: A 40-year old woman undergoing a combination liposuction and abdominoplasty. Power-assisted liposuction is the technique being performed in this image. The cannula is inserted to about 80% of its full length. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A new machine by uses   “focused-field radio frequency” to zap fat without ever touching the patient’s body. Seems like a game changer perhaps even replacing invasive fat removal techniques like liposuction.  Here is the kicker, they only will be made available on a limited basis.

Another technique use in body reduction is  cryotherapy and it  kills fat cells by freezing them. The problem is its cold and time consumptive.

Vanquish   is approved for deep-tissue heating and has minimal side effects.  Sensors adjust the power of the energy the machine delivers based on body fat levels that it reads.  The treatment is 30 minutes and takes once a week for 4 weeks.


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