It seems that more and more non surgical fat removal systems have become available in recent years and they are here today and gone tomorrow. What are these systems and are they safe and if they are, why do most “go-away” after awhile?

The Exilis Procedure is gaining a great reputation for being an effective treatment for fat reduction and Body Contouring. What makes this fat reduction system so popular? To start with, it is non invasive (no surgery), FDA approved and the treatments are fast and easy, less than 1/2 hour and Exilis has been around for a number of years and is getting more and more popular. The Exilis Procedure uses radiofrequency energy to heat the deep tissues in the skin and causes a higher rate of metabolic activity of the fatty cells, which causes them to shrink in size. Up to recently, diet and exercise and liposuction were the only known methods to effectively shrink the fat tissue from our bodies. We all know

about the ups and downs of diet and exercise, and liposuction? Forget it. A lot of downtime because it involves surgery and the patient is out of commission for a time.