Hope for People with Dark Under Eye Circles

How many of us have lived with dark circles under our eyes, and just not thought anything about what is causing them or how we can remedy the problems without using a coverup makeup routine? Some people have the problem due to poor circulation beneath the lower eye lids, some due to darkened pigment or hollow depressions beneath the lower eyelids and some due to whats called vascular pooling.

Dr. Lisa Zdinak, MD, Chief Surgeon and Director of Precision Aesthetics, in Upper Manhattan, New York, has been instrumental in the initial introduction and raving success of the popular Carboxytherapy Treatments to her worldwide clientele for the treatment of dark under eye circles, cellulite and stretch mark problems. By injecting small amounts of carbon dioxide gas just below the surface of the skin, causes increased blood circulation to that particular area. Carboxytherapy is used for the treatment of dark under-eye circles, stretch-marks, cellulite reduction, and non-surgical fat sculpting on the face and the body.

The treatment takes about 5 minutes and is painless and risk free. Usually it takes 2-6 treatments to achieve the best results.

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