Dread taking off time from work?
All of us dread taking time off from our jobs especially to take care of some cosmetic condition we have. Most of us put off taking care of cosmetic issues as long as we can and most of us are embarrassed to even acknowledge or discuss these issues.

There are several reasons for this including down time, costs, continuing visits, etc. Well, thats all in the past with the introduction of the Thermage Procedures by Dr. Lisa Zdinak, a trained molecular geneticist and cosmetic laser surgeon, with successful practices in Manhattan’s Upper East Side and in Palm Beach.
Thermage stimulates your body’s natural renewal of collagen, which creates subtle and natural results on the face and other problem areas. You can have tighter, smoother skin, softened wrinkles and lines and an overall a more youthful appearance. The procedures are FDA approved and only performed by certified physicians in your area. Best of all, you can turn back the clock on your skin without rearranging your life for complex procedures or long recoveries. So you can do something great for your skin in a single treatment on your schedule and quickly return to normal activities, looking and feeling fantastic.
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