Thermage Skin Tightening
Two of the main reasons that more and more people are choosing the Thermage Procedures for skin tightening is there is no surgery involved and there is very little downtime and the patient can return to normal activities as soon as the treatment is finished. The results, in most cases are immediate and will continue for up to 5-6 months. The Thermage treatments are FDA approved and work on all skin types and colors with fantastic results. All treatments are performed by a trained and certified physician and in their medical offices. Video thumbnail for youtube video Thermage Treatment for ‘Dooping’ or ‘Baggy’ Eyelids – Thermage Blog
The Thermage treatments are performed with a device that uses radio frequency energy to tighten and lift the skin. The device uses heat and energy of radio waves, that pass through the skin and help to build collagen in the process. The procedures were initially used for tightening the skin on the face, around the eyes, etc. More and more people are discovering how well the Thermage treatments work on other parts of the body also. Thermage is being used to tighten the loose skin under the arms, on the neck, thighs, and on the tummy, buttocks and hands. The Thermage Procedures have gained popularity around the globe in recent years not only because they produce fast results, but also because they are cheaper than traditional surgical methods like facelifts.