Thermage – Nonsurgical face, eyelid & body lifting
Thermage technology uses radiofrequency energy (radiowaves) to tighten skin that has lost its elasticity due to aging, sun exposure, and genetics. The skin is comprised of the outer layer (epidermis) which is the superficial layer that tans or burns, and a deeper layer (dermis) where the collagen and elastin give the skin its structural integrity. As we get older, the collagen in the dermal layer loses its organized pattern and becomes less abundant. It works in a manner similar to shrink-wrapping. A cooling phase protects the epidermis, then a short pulse of heat is delivered to the dermal collagen, followed by a cooling phase to keep the heat in the dermis. Thermage gives an instant, subtle improvement due to the immediate contracture of the existing collagen in the dermis. This initial result progressively improves over a period of two to three months as the body makes more collagen in response to the initial procedure. The results from a single treatment can last for two to three years.