Exilis: Non Surgical Fat Removal
This fantastic technology, using the new Exilis device, is literally the ‘wave’ of the future for non surgical fat removal. This is the latest in advanced technology to help achieve a more youthful appearance and is a highly effective approach in customizing individual anti-aging and skin tightening and body shaping tools. Exilis is the newest FDA approved technological marvel that offers the unique combination of radiofrequency energy (radiowaves) and oscillating mechanical waves for the first time to the United States marketplace. Fat cells are actually stored in the body in lobules that are clustered like a bunch of grapes. These clusters are wrapped in a fibrous tissue layer like a hairnet that holds them together.

This fibrous tissue layer makes it virtually impossible to reach the fatty clusters without a liposuction cannula—until now. The Exilis uses the vibrations of oscillating mechanical waves to rattle the fat lobules out of their fibrous cage, and then blasts them with the radio-frequency heat to ramp up their metabolic activity and shrink the size of the fat cells. This occurs in a painless and quick 20 minute office procedure with no downtime or limitations on your activities!