Cellulite Reduction
If you have cellulite, you know what it is. For those lucky ones who don’t have cellulite, picture the bumpy texture of an orange peel. That is what the skin surface looks like on someone who has cellulite. It is found on the thighs, buttocks or arms of 95% of all women, fat or skinny, and a few men. Cellulite reduction is possible and varies in effectiveness.
Cellulite reduction is to be directed at the underlying cause of cellulite. Cellulite is an accumulation of fat, fluid, and toxins pushed up from beneath the skin. This accumulation hardens into elastin and collagen fibers. Cellulite can be hereditary. Other causes are lack of exercise and poor dietary habits, stress and hormones. Cellulite reduction methods are being developed to attack these factors and reduce the visible effects of cellulite. Cellulite reduction comes in the form of creams containing vitamins, minerals, herbs and antioxidants which tighten, smooth, and soften the skin.
The vitamins and minerals in cellulite reduction creams increase the skin’s health which makes it better able to heal. Cellulite reduction treatments contain anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory medications, reduce inflammation, and increase blood flow to the skin. Consuming more water and using cellulite reduction creams that contain moisturizing ingredients have at least a temporary effect on the appearance of cellulite because most areas affected by cellulite are dehydrated.
Use caution though, because some cellulite reduction creams actually can cause some dehydrating of the skin after prolonged use. These types of creams will actually seem to reduce the overall size of the thigh, for instance, when in actuality it is dehydrating the area by removing wasted water accumulation. Natural, self-administered cellulite reduction regimens might give you some improvement. Cellulite reduction methods like using a massage glove or brush to rub the affected area improve circulation to the skin. Increasing water consumption is the best course for cellulite reduction.
This cleanses your system and flushes out toxins. Drink less coffee and soda pop. Drink fruit juices and herbal teas instead. Make sure you get plenty of vitamin C. Exercise, walk, stretch and/or swim. Exercise strengthens muscle and enhances the visual effects of cellulite reduction. Be patient. It can take several weeks to notice results in the appearance of your skin following these lifestyle changes. Though this self-applied cellulite reduction treatment should cause improvement in your condition, don’t expect it to be a complete cure.