What is Silk Peel? SilkPeel™ is a breakthrough system that combines precision non-invasive exfoliation with Dermalinfusion™, deep delivery of skin-specific solutions, to improve and revitalize the skin. SilkPeel is unique because it does not use crystals or other abrasive particles …

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I answer the phones on nights and weekends just to be helpful to the poor confused consumer, who is obviously working hard all day to have the money to afford these treatments. Sadly every doctor looking to make a buck …

Clearing the Confusion, Fat, Cellulite, Stretch marks, Loose Skin. Which machine is right for me ? Read more »

There are so many so called fat reduction procedures and treatments today, that come and go, one just doesn’t know what is safe and what isn’t safe. You see ads on TV and on the internet for “miracle fat removing treatments”. They appear in abundance one day and a few weeks later..nothing! Gone with the wind.

I found out about a very safe, painless, and quick 20 minute office procedure called Exilis Non Surgical Fat Removal Procedure that has no downtime or limitations on your activities and it’s been around for a long time, and proven safe. The patient satisfaction rate, with Exilis, is high, with circumferential reductions ranging from 4 cm to 15 cm of volume loss after 4 treatment sessions spaced at 2 week intervals.

The procedure is FDA approved and the popularity of the procedure is sweeping the country.

A fairly new solution to an age old problem is now available through Thermage.
Up to recently the only solution for under eye bags has been through surgery or a face lift procedure. In the last few years, Thermage treatments have become more and more popular for treating this condition. Under eye bags is a problem that many of us have, but surgery, or a face lift, is not what we want to solve the problem.

The new and popular Thermage technology tightens and contours the skin to create a smoother tone and more youthful appearance, and the positive results can be seen almost immediately and improvements to the skin’s texture and appearance will continue as new collagen grows, often for up to several months. This Thermage Procedure is short, depending on how severe the problem is, and a session will usually take about 20 minutes to 2 hours.

The Thermage Procedures are FDA approved and are only performed in the offices of certified physicians. To find the nearest certified physician, go online or look in the local Yellow Pages and get started to not only looking better, but feeling better and regaining that old self confidence you once had.

The treatment is not painful, and it is a one-time procedure performed after a small amount of numbing cream has been applied to the skin. Since my specialty is oculoplastic surgery, I perform this procedure in my office at least twice a day with optimal results that last approximately eight months to one year.

As we grow older, we all experience the breakdown of the collagen that provides structure to our face. This happens faster in some people than it does in others, however we all will experience this at some time. When this happens, we’ll begin to notice fine lines and wrinkles forming on our faces, around our eyes, nose, neck and other areas.

Today, the Thermage Facelift procedure has become the answer to many of these problems by stimulating the growth of new collagen. The popular procedure reduces wrinkles and renews facial contours and is achieved without any surgery, and very little downtime on the patients part. The most common benefits of using the Thermage Facelift procedure is achieving tighter skin and renewing your natural facial contouring. This procedure can smooth out wrinkles, leaving you with a more radiant and younger looking appearance. The Thermage Facelift procedure can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on how large of an area being treated. The Thermage Facelift procedure has been referred to as the “lunch hour facelift”, allowing the patient to return to work looking like a new person and feeling good inside also. Thermage is performed by trained and certified physicians in their medical offices. Check the Yellow Pages or go online to find the nearest Thermage physician to you.

Most of us have heard about the Thermage Skin Tightening treatments which have grown more and more popular in recent years because of the lack of down time for the patient, no incisions or surgery involved, and the fast and positive results attained with all of the Thermage Procedures. If we are looking for tightening of the skin on the face, neck, eyes, arms, legs, tummy or anyplace on our bodies, but are not ready for surgery, the popular Thermage Treatments have become the answer. Thermage has become famous for its body contouring treatments, cellulite treatments, face and neck wrinkle removal, the under eye bag treatments, tummy and buttock skin area treatments.

What about the hands and rejuvenation of the skin on the hands and lightening of the age spots that slowly develop over time? Many people forget that their hands often reflect the signs of age and years of excessive sun exposure and exposure to harsh chemicals in the home and at work. Whether it is brown spots, crepey skin texture or prominent veins, the hands may give away your true age faster than anything else, especially when other parts of your skin have been treated or protected from exposure to harsh chemicals and to the sun. Over time and as we get older, the veins on the back of our hands appear more prominent because the skin becomes thinner due to collagen loss. At the same time age spots may appear both on the hands and arms.
The skin on the back of the hands is delicate and fragile and treating it requires skill and care.

Dr. Lisa Zdinak, chief surgeon and medical director of Precision Aesthetics in Manhattan and Palm Beach has a solid solution for her patients regarding the widespread problem of aged and wrinkled hands and those nasty age spots. Thermage has developed the technology possible to tighten and thicken the delicate skin that develops on the hands. Hands by Thermage is the latest non-invasive treatment in the large suite of Thermage skin tightening procedures available at Dr. Zdinaks offices and is designed to treat patients who want younger looking hands without the surgery, injections or downtime. A Hands by Thermage procedure takes approximately 30 minutes, after which the patient enjoys immediate results with no downtime. Results continue to improve over the next six months as new collagen forms.


This has become an annual affair for us. For the 8th year in a row, we at Precision Aesthetics have been awarded the Thermage Black Diamond.

This is their highest recognition as a provider of their skin tightening and body shaping treatments on can receive.

We at Precision Aesthetics are proud to have won the Thermage Black Diamond Award for eight years in a row.