Up to very recently, stretch marks were pretty much untreatable no matter what method you tried. The Carboxytherapy Treatment is gaining in popularity and showing great promise by softening stretch marks by increasing the blood flow to the stretch mark areas and allowing them to constrict and contract, thus blending them better with the surrounding healthy skin. Injecting very small amounts of carbon dioxide gas just below the surface of the skin, the procedure tricks it (the skin) into increasing blood circulation in the treated area. Carbonxytherapy causes the formation of new collagen and subsequently thickens the skin to improve the appearance of the stretch marks by rebuilding the collagen matrix.

In recent years, we all have seen more and more men using various beauty methods that were in the past, only used by women. But why not?

Before Thermage

Men need to look their very best and the popular Thermage Procedures works great on the face, forehead, eyes, jaw line, jowls and area under the chin. Thermage works with all skin types and colors too. We’re not just talking about celebrities! Thermage brings beautiful skin without surgery for everyday people who are willing to work at bettering their appearance and gaining self confidence once again. Thermage is also used for the arms and knees,along with the tummy areas.

Plastic surgery and other extreme measures are not only expensive and require a large amount of down time, but they are often too extreme and not necessary. More and more men are turning to

After Thermage. Notice how natural the chin area is now.

non-invasive therapies like Thermage to rejuvenate their appearance and prevent aging, and they are doing it without having to go into debt forever, and without having to spend much time healing. Thermage is one of the best innovations to come along because it allows men and women to tighten up and rejuvenate their skin and look younger.

Thermage is FDA approved and performed only in a trained and certified physicians office near you.

We all discover, sometimes a little late, that as we age our skin looses its elasticity, and starts to look dried out, wrinkled and aged. When we were younger, our skin was smooth, moist and beautiful. What causes this to happen? The causes are many however exposure to the sun, harsh soaps and chemicals, and other factors contribute to the aging of our skin.

As the body ages, the appearance and characteristics of the skin change. Visible aging of the skin starts as the natural regenerative process begin to slow. The skin replaces old cells more slowly and there is a slower turnover of the surface skin and slower wound healing. As we enter middle age, thinning of the skin begins, due in part, to hormonal changes. This thinning makes the skin more fragile and vulnerable to damage by abrasion and more sensitive to irritating environmental factors. The moisture holding properties of the skin become dryer and looser as we age. The skin loses fat, so it looks less ‘filled out’ and smooth. The number of blood vessels in your skin also decreases with age and the skin loses its youthful color and glow.

Our skin is made up of about 80% collagen. Collagen is the wrinkle-eliminating, moisture attracting protein that is abundant in our skin when we are young. Starting around the age of 18, collagen production by the cells in our skin slows down. By the age of 30, we make 1% less collagen per year, and the enzyme that destroys the collagen increases. When collagen production goes down, destruction goes up. Elasticity is our skin’s living element. We laugh, we frown, we raise our eyebrows, yet our faces never crack! This is thanks to elastin. Elastin gives the skin its the ability to stretch and then snap back into shape, much like a rubberband. As we age, our elastin levels, like collagen, decrease. Keratin is the protein thats packed into your hair shaft, and is considered one of nature’s beauty proteins. Like collagen, keratin begins to diminish by the time we’re 18 years old. With aging, this gene begins working slower and slower. This gene is also responsible for giving your nails strength and beauty. So, our skin begins to show the results of fine lines and wrinkles, our hair breaks more easily, and our nails chip or break.

Dr. Lisa A. Zdinak, M.D. is a trained molecular geneticist and cosmetic laser surgeon with a very popular and successful practice on Manhattan’s Upper East Side and in Palm Beach. Dr. Zdinak has isolated the essential ingredients that helps our skin to produce collagen and elastin, called the Genetiskin Line of skin rejuvenating products. The Genetiskin line is made up of a range of nutraceutical supplements vital to the production of youthful, healthy collagen and elastin, as well as critical anti-oxidants that work with each other to preserve the collagen and elastin in our skin and protect it from the ravages of aging stresses, like sun exposure, bad sleeping habits, gravity and environmental stress, lack of exercise, etc. Genetiskin is not a multivitamin, it is a highly targeted nutritional regimen for the skin designed to produce new collagen, preserve existing collagen, and protect the skin from the usual aging stresses and also from free-radical attack. Genetiskin is simply the purest, most potent skincare vitamin regimen in the world.

We all are more aware of the toxins and pollutants that are affecting our bodies and especially our skin condition. Taking care of our skin means different things to different people and determining which are the best skin care products can be difficult because everyone has different types of skin; normal, dry, or oily, and different conditions.

For many people taking care of the skin means a simple splash of water, using any ole soap for cleansing purposes, or using other harse methods for cleaning. In times gone by, most people did not concern themselves with taking care of their skin, or any parts of their bodies, resulting in pre-mature aging, wrinkles, heavy skin lines, etc. When it comes to taking care of the skin, most of us look for easy to use commercial cosmetic products for cleansing, toning and moisturizing our skin. But none of us really have much knowledge as to how much damage these commercial cosmetic products do to our skin.

Today, thanks to Dr. Lisa A. Zdinak, world famous molecular geneticist and cosmetic laser surgeon, we have an answer to our skin problems with the Genetiskin nutraceutical supplements that are vital to the production of youthful, healthy collagen and elastin, as well as critical antioxidants that work synergistically to protect existing collagen and elastin from the ravages of environmental stresses.

“Produce-Preserve-Protect” is the mantra Dr. Zdinak has chosen for the vital ingredients in the ®Genetiskin program. Genetiskin is not a multivitamin. It is a targeted regimen for the skin, designed to produce new collagen, preserve existing collagen, and protect the skin from free-radical attack.

Our skin is made up of three layers, the epidermis, the dermis and the fat layer under the dermis. As we age, the natural changes that occur cause the epidermis to become thicker and the dermis and fat layer to become thinner. As our collagen and elastin reduce, the support it provides to our skin structure breaks down. Furthermore, we no longer produce new collagen and elastin like we did when we were younger, and this can lead to skin changes, such as wrinkles and loss of tone or firmness.

Lifestyle factors such as smoking, bad diet, pollutants, toxins and the exposure to the sun also contributes to changing skin. It has been estimated that up to 80 percent of our wrinkles, loss of elasticity, pigment and texture changes, are caused by exposure to UV light.

Fortunately, there is much we can do to limit the damage of sun exposure and to protect ourselves from premature aging of our skin. There are vitamins for the skin. Ultraceuticals is an Australian made and owned skincare line, and is the number one physician dispensed skincare system in Australia, and now it is available to you exclusively through Precision Aesthetics.

These products were designed to focus on providing solutions for aging, pigmentation and problem skin. With products containing ingredients such as Vitamin A, and it’s derivative, Retinol, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, AHA’s and other natural ingredients, the Ultraceuticals skin care range in packed full of high strength anti-oxidants, sun protection factors and collagen and elastin support and strengtheners, that have been proven to improve the appearance of fine lines, skin texture and tone.

After introducing the very popular products to the U.S. market, Dr. Zdinak says that it is nearly impossible to keep enough supply on hand for the growing needs of her customers. “Since I brought Ultraceuticals to my office in Manhattan, the Vitamin C products and the tinted SPF have become so popular for summer that we sell out of them as soon as the shipment arrives.”

It seems like just yesterday that Dr. Lisa A Zdinak, M.D., Chief Surgeon and Medical Director of Precision Aesthetics, was chosen to exclusively debut the Exilis Body Contouring machine in New York City. Actually it was March of 2010 and it has proven a solid success story for sure. Exilis Therapy, is Dr. Zdinaks newest non surgical therapy to contour those extra unwanted inches. This is not liposuction for body shaping and circumferential reduction of targeted fatty deposits on the body. This new Therapy is FDA approved and the newest technological marvel that offers the unique combination of readiofrequency energy (radiowaves) and oscillating mechanical wavs for the first time in the U.S. marketplace.

According to Dr. Zdinak, it used to be that the only way to remove fat volume from the body aside from diet and exercise, was liposuction, which requires an incision and downtime from normal activities for the patient.

There are several machines on the market that use radiowaves alone, or combined with other forms of energy that can tighten the skin, but none can show actual circumferential reduction until now. This makes the Exilis Therapy a powerful force using the combination of RF and oscillating waves. “The technology used by the Exilis device is literally the ‘wave’ of the future”, according to Dr. Zdinak. The patient satisfaction rate is very high, with circumferential reductions ranging from 4 cm to 15 cm of volume loss after only 4 treatment sessions. The Exilis Therapy is a painless and quick 20 minute office procedure with no downtime or limitations on your activities!

I think we all know too well the agony of having “zits” or acne. Acne affects all ages, and in various ways. Most of us have suffered from acne and the scars that acne leaves, some for years into adulthood. It seems that in years gone by, the best advice you could receive was to not eat chocolate, oily foods, nuts, or a lot of sweets. It never worked for me.

Fortunately, acne sufferers today have more options when searching for a remedy. Aside from topical and oral medications, technological developments in science and technology continue to develop treatments to effectively cure frequent and severe acne conditions.
One of the fairly new, and successful acne treatments is the Thermage Acne therapy procedure.

Many physicians and skin specialists claim that this treatment could prove to be the ultimate cure for acne problems because it has no lasting side effects and can provide outstanding results after one or two treatments. The result of the Thermage Acne treatment can last from six to 24 months depending on the patient’s skin type. Thermage will not only treat acne but minimize acne scarring as well.

What is Thermage Acne Treatment?
The Thermage Acne treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic skin treatment that was initially used as an anti-aging solution, and is now used to treat acne. As an acne treatment, Thermage is used to treat chronic acne breakouts and severe acne conditions, and to minimize acne scarring. Ultimately, Thermage will provide a tighter, firmer and smoother skin.

The Thermage acne device uses deep heating action that tightens the skin and promotes the production of new, healthy collagen and skin cells (which is why Thermage was originally used to treat wrinkles). These functions are what make the skin firmer and smoother. Most patients report tighter and smoother skin almost instantly. The Thermage Acne Treatment is different from laser because it is compatible on all skin types. The FDA has approved this treatment.

A trained physician with expertise in cosmetic treatments can do the Thermage Acne procedure. The Thermage Acne treatment is individualized for each patient so its benefits are maximized. The entire Thermage Acne procedure usually lasts from 1 to 2 hours. A single treatment can produce impressive results with the patient’s skin feeling tighter and smoother almost immediately.

The FDA approved technological marvel, called Exilis Body Shaping, offers the unique combination of radiofrequency energy (radiowaves) and oscillating mechanical waves for the first time in the United States marketplace.

What makes this combination of RF and oscillating waves so powerful? Well, it used to be that the only way to remove fat volume from the body (aside from diet and exercise) was liposuction, which requires an incision (scar) and downtime from regular daily activities. There are several machines on the market that use radiowaves alone, or combined with other forms of energy that can tighten the skin, or treat cellulite, but none can promise actual circumferential reduction until now. The search for a shapelier silhouette continues to drive patients to seek aesthetic therapies, but not everyone is willing to go under the knife to lose inches.

Here’s why: Fat cells are actually stored in the body in lobules that are clustered like a bunch of grapes. These clusters are wrapped in a fibrous tissue layer like a hairnet that holds them together. This fibrous tissue layer makes it virtually impossible to reach the fatty clusters without a liposuction cannula—until now. The Exilis uses the vibrations of oscillating mechanical waves to rattle the fat lobules out of their fibrous cage, and then blasts them with the radiofrequency heat to ramp up their metabolic activity and shrink the size of the fat cells. All of this occurs in a painless and quick 20 minute office procedure with no downtime or limitations on your activities! The technology used by the Exilis device is literally the ‘wave’ of the future.