Summertime equals lookin’ good, being fit, tan, in shape and feelin’ good too.

Looking good for the summertime is not just for women and it appears that many men agree with looking good and in shape. More and more men are having both surgical and non surgical face lift procedures, along with eyelid surgery, male breast reduction and Microdermabrasion. If the man in your life has been looking for ways to get rid of excess fat, remove fine lines and wrinkles or just enhance the texture and tone of his skin, have him consider talking to a local cosmetic skin professional as ask about the Thermage Procedures that have become so popular across the nation in recent years. Thermage is approved by the FDA and is non invasive and is fast so his treatments can be performed during lunch hours or at his convenience. Thermage Procedures are used on men and women for facial wrinkles, eye bags, fine lines around the eyes, neck, to tighten skin on arms and legs. BOTOX injections also offers a solution for getting rid of fine lines and deep wrinkles and are worth considering. Its close to summer and now is the time to work on that body and get yourself in shape to show off at the beach.

A great innovative treatment for dark eye cirlces, stretch marks, and even cellulite is growing in popularity called Carboxytherapy. This treatment consists of injecting very small amounts of carbon dioxide into the area around the eyes to be treated, causing the body to bring more oxygen to the area through the blood stream.



Oxygenating the area of treatment allows for improved healing by nourishing the skin, building and remodeling collagen and elastin in the area which ultimately smooths out the skin and even cellulite. The process leaves the skin tighter and firmer, brighter and smoother. The treatment process weakens and destroys fat cells and results in fewer fat cells. Talk to a local cosmetic dermatologist for a specific consultation regarding your particular conditions or to answer any question you may have. Give Carboxytherapy a try, it really works !!

Exilis is a non-invasive radio frequency device designed to focus varying depths of heat, in able to customize treatment for skin tightening and fat reduction or both. The Exilis treatments have become popular across the country for both women and men who are concerned about early signs of aging and unwanted fat. Exilis treatments are FDA approved for the non-invasive treatment of wrinkles, and is also works well for facial and neck tightening. Most common areas where Exilis is used are the face, neck, jowls, around the eyes, abdomen, thighs and knees, arms and buttocks. The treatments are fast and no surgery is involved. Get out that new bikini, summer is almost here.

Summer is almost here and most of us will get our share of sunshine, tanning and sunburn too. What can we do for our skin that has been exposed to excessive sunshine over the years?

There are a wide variety of cosmetic dermatology treatments available today, for sun damage. Because sun damage involves damage to the skin’s natural collagen, collagen injections can be used to treat wrinkles and lines caused by to much exposure to the sun. Chemical peels and various abrasive procedures are another option for sun damage treatment.



Microdermabrasion, a procedure that exfoliates the outer layers of the skin with a spray of fine crystals, can also be used to stimulate new skin growth. There are also a variety of laser and light techniques available to treat sun-damaged skin. Proper exercise and weight is also important to maintaining good all around skin conditions as well as the intake regularly of certain vitamins and minerals.

One of the most common facial skin problems for adolescents is acne. Although acne is not harmful to health and will usually go away after time, moderate to severe acne can leave scars. There are several acne treatment options available that can effectively treat acne. Most scars fade over time, certain types and those that occur in noticeable areas may remain apparent for a lifetime. Scars are cosmetic skin problems that do not require medical treatment, but their presence can be frustrating.

Thermage is one of the latest FDA-approved non invasive skin improvement procedures for maintaining a youthful appearance, and it works on all ages.

The Thermage treatments are used for a whole array of skin problems like acne, lines and bags around the eyes, neck skin drooping and sagging, abdomen, buttocks and leg areas too. The Thermage procedures are only performed in medical offices by certified physicians. Look in your local Yellow pages or go online to find the cosmetic doctor closest to you.

It’s pretty well known that the Thermage Procedures are effective for almost all people who suffer from saggy and baggy skin, facial wrinkles, eye bags, sagging neck skin, tummy skin and buttocks, all parts of the legs too. But do you know that the Thermage treatments work very well on most cellulite problems?


They do and people are swamping their local cosmetic surgeon’s offices to take advantage of the treatments before summer gets here. Look online or in the Yellow Pages for the certified physician near you. FDA approved too.

Exilis is a fairly new and innovative technology for non-invasive and safe skin treatment for all skin types. It is important to note that Exilis is FDA approved for improving skin laxity and the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and a majority of Exilis patients also report a reduction in fat volume. Fat deposits form due to metabolically inactive cells. Patients will see improvement after just one treatment session, however more are usually recommended. Look in your local Yellow Pages or go online to find the approved physician near you.

Women account for the majority of plastic and cosmetic procedures each year, however more and more men are getting in line for facelifts, botox injections and even liposuction too. The most sought-after procedures included eyelid surgery, male breast reduction and microdermabrasion.


Skin tightening procedures are popular with men and Thermage is one of the favorites for sure. A series of skin tightening treatments can help rejuvenate the skin and make a man feel years younger, and of course, look years youn

Scars are a natural and essential part of the human body healing process in that they help protect wounds from additional physical damage, however they are not necessary and are often unsightly once a wound is closed. After a wound closes, Scars are visibly noticeable because scar tissue is unlike natural skin tissue in that it does not regenerate. While some scars will naturally become less noticeable over time, they do not heal completely unless treated.
some types of scars:
•Acne Scars
•Burn Scars
•Tattoo and Body Scars
•Surgery Scars
•Pregnancy Scars
•Plastic Surgery Scars
•Mohs Surgery Scars
•Keloid Scars
•Hypertrophic Scars
•Hysterectomy Scars
•Cleft Lip

If you have any large, raised, or prominent scars, you should call or speak to a cosmetic dermatologist about whether surgical, non-surgical, or laser scar removal treatment is right for you. There are many new and fast scar treatments available today. Most scars can be significantly improved in appearance through one or more cosmetic techniques, including carboxytherapy. The type of scar treatment your doctor recommends will depend on the cause of the scar.

You can now remove those small and unsightly purple and red spider veins and cherry red spots that appear on your face or other parts of your body, quickly, painlessly and immediately in the comfort of your doctor’s office.

Radiosurgery is the new and preferred method to eliminate these tiny blood vessels. Radiosurgery makes very fine, precise, gentle punctures in the skin via a thin-microinsulated wire that delivers radiowaves to seal off the blood vessel.