Many of us are always worried about how our ‘rear ends’ look, or our legs, or stomach areas, but what about our hands? Most people associate aging with how the hands are appearing.

Now Thermage is being used for hand rejuvenation. People forget that their hands often reflect the signs of age and years of excessive sun exposure and exposure to harsh chemicals in the home and at work. The hands may give away your true age faster than anything else, especially when other parts of your skin have been treated or protected from exposure to harsh chemicals and to the sun.

As we get older, the veins on the back of our hands appear more prominent because the skin becomes thinner due to collagen loss. At the same time age spots may appear both on the hands and arms.Thermage has developed the technology possible to tighten and thicken the delicate skin that develops on the hands. Hands by Thermage is the latest non-invasive treatment in the large suite of Thermage skin tightening procedures available right now.And, the Thermage products are FDA approved.

The Thermage Body Shaping treatments continue to be one of the top non surgical treatments for tightening the skin, improving skin texture and reducing pore size.
Loose arm skin, sagging tummy and buttocks, loose skin on the thighs and legs, even the skin on the back of the hands are all being successfully treated with Thermage procedures. Even many cellulite problems are being treated with the Thermage treatments.

There is no surgery involved with Thermage and little downtime. It is FDA approved and only administered by certified physicians. Thermage is a proven, unique radiofrequency treatment that tightens sagging or loose skin, naturally giving you a dramatically younger, smoother and sleeker look and feel. Thermage works in one treatment with little down time and delivers a dramatic change that is never drastic-looking. Isn’t time you looked younger while feeling better with more confidence?

A fairly new approach that addresses cellulite problems, that is growing in popularity for those suffering with cellulite is the Acoustic Wave Therapy treatment. This treatment is non invasive and uses no needles. The dermatologist uses acoustic pulses which creates pressure waves to treat cellulite conditions. The discovery of using acoustic waves for the treatment of cellulite is fairly new, even though acoustic waves have been used for decades for various medical conditions.

Clinics all over the world are using acoustic wave therapy for cellulite and all are reporting fantastic success rates and the treatments are showing long term elasticity of the skin, new collagen formation and visible skin surface improvements that lasts 6-12 months before maintenance sessions are needed. The treatments are fast with little downtime. A typical treatment takes about 30 minutes or so.

The Cryolift Cryotherapy Facial is an exilerating non surgical means of firming and toning the facial skin by taking the surface temperature down to -18 celsius. This causes a mild pumping action involving the blood circulation to the area being treated.

The treatment enhances the penetration/distribution of unique products that further protects against free radicals and supports the production of collagen.

This is considered by many to be the absolute ultimate anti aging therapy from Paris.
The treatment restores a natural radiance to tired, fatiqued skin.
Talk to your dermatologist about this non surgical facial treatment, you’ll be glad you did.

More and more men are having both surgical and non surgical face lift procedures, along with eyelid surgery, male breast reduction and Microdermabrasion. If you are starting to notice fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes, neck and other areas, then it’s time to contact your local dermatologist and get a professional opinion on the best treatments available for you condition. Don’t put it off until the end of summer. While you are enjoying the sunshine start the treatments you need to prevent premature aging to your skin. There are many new, modern problem skin treatments for fine lines, wrinkles, bulging of the tummy, buttocks, and even now great new cellulite miracles are happening.

Get your treatments started so you will be really lookin’ good at the end of summer.

How long has everyone been talking about a real, long lasting treatment for those problem cellulite areas on the body? It is estimated by experts that about 85% of the female population in this country suffers from some sort of cellulite, somewhere on their bodies. Many men also suffer from the disorder. Cellulite usually appears on the stomach, buttocks and on the thigh areas of the legs.

Cellulaze on the Drs.

For years, the causes of cellulite were really unknown however it appears that heredity has much to do with getting the condition. It has always been associated with being overweight. But more and more thinner people are reporting the problem. One thing for sure and that is the condition is unsightly and embarrassing. Often, cellulite will appear worse in those with poor circulation, which affects the blood flow and capillaries, or where the lymphatic system is sluggish.

Today, there is much hope with a new laser product called “Cellulaze” that the FDA has recently approved for use by certified physicians and dermatologists. Up to now there have been many products on the market that claim to rid the skin of cellulite. Many of the treatments have been topical creams. Some work well and others do not. Many use massage along with the creams to help smooth out the cellulite ‘dimples’. Creams along with massage are quick fixes only. Now the first real new technology has arrived on the scene with almost instant positive results and the results will continue up to 6-12 months after the first treatment.

Cellulaze is a new anti-cellulite treatment that has been clinically proven to increase your skin’s natural thickness. This change creates a smoother, tighter and healthier look that will last and last, after just one anti-cellulite treatment. Contact your local dermatologist and make an appointment to learn more about this welcome new treatment for cellulite. Be sure to mention that you only are interested in the Cellulaze cellulite treatment.

Most of us dread taking time off from work, or other chores, to see a dermatologist for any type of skin problem. Well dermatologists who offer the full line of Thermage Procedures can get you in and out fast. Many patients are finding that most Thermage treatments can be done at noon, allowing them to return to work right away. Thermage is non invasive, FDA approved, and the treatments work on all skin types and colors.

For any skin problem you have, don’t accept anything less than Thermage. It’s the realistic solution that most skin problem patients are turning to. You can do something great for your skin in a single treatment on your schedule, and quickly return to normal activities, looking and feeling fantastic.

In about one hour, and usually only in one procedure, physicians can treat even large areas of cellulite with a fantastic new laser treatment. In clinical trials, patients have given the new treatment a 93% approval rating. Mild side effects are reported such as mild discomfort, some minor bruising, swelling and numbness. These minor side effects all disappear by the end of 3 months for most patients.

Cellulite affects about 85% of women in this country and is a huge business for those who offer any hope of improvement. Clinical trials are proving to be beyond anything ever dreamed of just a short time back.

Up to recently the only solution for under eye bags has been through surgery or a face lift procedure, but gaining in popularity across the nation is the Thermage Procedure for Baggy Eyes. FDA approved, and no invasive surgery makes it an ideal choice for those wanting to solve their eye bags problem fast and with no after effects. The treatments are short depending on how severe the problem is. To find the nearest certified physician, go online or look in the local Yellow Pages and get started to not only looking better, but feeling better and regaining that old self confidence you once had.

Taking care of our skin means different things to different people and determining which are the best skin care products can be difficult because everyone has different types of skin; normal, dry, or oily, and different conditions. For many people taking care of the skin means a simple splash of water, using any ole soap for cleansing purposes, or using other harsh methods for cleaning. In times gone by, most people did not concern themselves with taking care of their skin, or any parts of their bodies, resulting in pre-mature aging, wrinkles, heavy skin lines, etc.

Today, we have an answer to many of our skin problems with the Genetiskin nutraceutical supplements that are vital to the production of youthful, healthy collagen and elastin, as well as critical antioxidants that work synergistically to protect existing collagen and elastin from the ravages of environmental stresses.