With summer almost here it is important for everyone to understand why our skin begins to age making us look much older. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, bad diet, pollutants, toxins and the exposure to the sun all contribute to our skin prematurely aging. It has been estimated that up to 80 percent of our wrinkles and facial lines, loss of elasticity, pigment and texture changes, are caused by exposure to UV light.
Skin is made up of three layers; epidermis, dermis and the fat layer under the dermis. As our collagen and elastin reduce, the support it provides to our skin structure breaks down. We no longer produce new collagen and elastin like we did when we were younger, and this can lead to many types of skin changes, such as wrinkles, fine lines and loss of tone or firmness.
Today, there is much we all can do to limit the damage of sun exposure and to protect ourselves from premature ageing of our skin. Ultraceuticals is an Australian made and owned skincare line, and is the number one physician dispensed skincare system in Australia. The Ultraceutical products were designed to focus on providing solutions for aging, pigmentation and problem skin in general.
Ultraceuticals skin care products is packed full of high strength anti-oxidants, sun protection factors and collagen and elastin support and strengtheners that improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, skin texture and tone.