Today, there is a physician-dispensed cosmetic procedure that can be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and products. If you suffer from age spots, sun spots, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, or photodamage, then Lumixyl Skin Brightening treatments are what you need. Lumixyl is non-toxic, water-soluble, easily degraded by the skin and safe for all skin types and colors.

Whatever your skin tone, the highly successful Lumixyl Skin Brightening System works to uniformly even the pigment on the surface of the skin and will not cause discolouration.


Facial skin and the skin along the neck, and even on the arms and legs can be tightened providing a mild, non-surgical ‘skinlift’ or facelift effect. There is no surgery or incisions, making it possible to have a Thermage treatment during your lunch hour or while you are out shopping. You will look and feel younger and happier knowing that your skin has been treated with the best skin tightening treatment there is available, without surgery.

Young adults, and older adults today, are much more proactive about their health and how they look to others. They care more about their appearance. They want to look as young as they feel and that is why many people are insisting on Thermage Treatments.

Thermage is one of the latest FDA approved skin problem treatment procedures for maintaining a more youthful appearance. It is not a laser. It is a radio frequency (RF) system, and it is fast and you will have little downtime.

With summer almost here it is important for everyone to understand why our skin begins to age making us look much older. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, bad diet, pollutants, toxins and the exposure to the sun all contribute to our skin prematurely aging. It has been estimated that up to 80 percent of our wrinkles and facial lines, loss of elasticity, pigment and texture changes, are caused by exposure to UV light.

Skin is made up of three layers; epidermis, dermis and the fat layer under the dermis. As our collagen and elastin reduce, the support it provides to our skin structure breaks down. We no longer produce new collagen and elastin like we did when we were younger, and this can lead to many types of skin changes, such as wrinkles, fine lines and loss of tone or firmness.

Today, there is much we all can do to limit the damage of sun exposure and to protect ourselves from premature ageing of our skin. Ultraceuticals is an Australian made and owned skincare line, and is the number one physician dispensed skincare system in Australia. The Ultraceutical products were designed to focus on providing solutions for aging, pigmentation and problem skin in general.

Ultraceuticals skin care products is packed full of high strength anti-oxidants, sun protection factors and collagen and elastin support and strengtheners that improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, skin texture and tone.

The Thermage device rebuilds collagen and improves blood flow to skin tissue giving rise to smoother appearing skin. Significant results can be achieved from a single treatment session without surgery, injections, or downtime. Cellulite is almost exclusive to women, caused when decreasing levels of estrogen alter the circulation and structure of the storage fat cells in the lower extremities. Now Thermage is being used to treat successfully, this condition, in women and in men too.

In recent years, the Thermage Procedures have proven to be the type of cosmetic treatments that people continue to ask for, and the treatments give the patient the results that they expect

Skin discoloration is a common skin problem that can cause men and women to look unhealthy, tired, and/or older than their years. There is a new solution for uneven skin tone and it is called Lumixyl, a topical brightening crème. This new product is bringing rave reviews from dermatologists across the country. Lumixyl must be prescribed by a physician and is a safe, non toxic, non allergenic treatment for all skin types and for long term use. It is a solid treatment for uneven skin tone problems including:

•Age spots
•Sun spots
•Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Most of us have heard about the Thermage Skin Tightening treatments, which have grown more and more popular in recent years because of the lack of down time for the patient. There are no incisions and no surgery involved, and the fast and positive results attained with all of the Thermage Procedures are unbelievable. If we are looking for tightening of the skin on the face, neck, eyes, arms, legs, tummy or anyplace on our bodies, but are not ready for surgery, the popular Thermage Treatements have become the answer. Thermage has become famous for its body contouring treatments, cellulite treatments, face and neck wrinkle removal, the under eye bag treatments, tummy and buttock skin area treatments, and hand rejuvenation. Talk to your dermatologist soon and make an appointment for a Thermage treatment, I guarantee that you will not be sorry.

For those who have had a problem with the loose skin around their eyes can now take heed of the Thermage Eyelid procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to create a uniform heating effect in the deep dermis. The gentle heating tightens the existing collagen in the skin and stimulates the formation of new collagen which is followed by the gradual collagen tightening that takes place. Results? A more youthful appearance for that loose and sagging eyelid skin problem. As with all Thermage procedures, they are FDA approved and there is little downtime, no surgery or incisions.

Exilis is the newest FDA approved technological marvel for non susrgical fat removal.
This fantastic technology, using the new Exilis device, is literally the ‘wave’ of the future for non surgical fat removal. This is the latest in advanced technology to help achieve a more youthful appearance and is a highly effective approach in customizing individual anti-aging and skin tightening and body shaping tools.Exilis uses the unique combination of radiofrequency energy (radiowaves) and oscillating mechanical waves. The Exilis technology uses the vibrations of oscillating mechanical waves to rattle the fat lobules out of their fibrous cage, and then blasts them with the radiofrequency heat to ramp up their metabolic activity and shrink the size of the fat cells.

Yesterday, the clerk that sits next to me in my office, returned from lunch and I immediately noticed that something about her was different. She had a more radiant glow about her and was in a much better mood than usual. I finally asked her what was going on and she told me that she had just had a Thermage facial treatment at her dermatologist in Uptown Manhattan. WoW ! What a difference an hour or so made. She is so happy she made an appointment for her daughter to go in and have a Thermage facial treatment, while she has a treatment on her hands. I didn’t even know that there was a Thermage Hand treatment available. I am anxious to see the results, because I will be the next one making an appointment for my hands.